Aztec Eagle Tattoo Meaning: A Symbol of Strength, Pride, Hope, and Sacrifice

The Aztec eagle, a symbol deeply rooted in the history and culture of Mexico, carries a rich tapestry of meanings as a tattoo.

Aztec Eagle Chest Tattoo: jocilynnfalco on instagram

Summary of the meanings of Aztec Eagle Tattoos

  1. It is a symbol of strength, echoing the endurance of the Aztec people.
  2. It represents pride, particularly for people of Mexican descent.
  3. It is a symbol of hope, signifying optimism and the hope for a better future.
  4. Finally, it is a symbol of sacrifice, representing personal sacrifices made for the greater good.

1. A Symbol of Strength

Aztec Eagle arm Tattoo bigjuniorstattoos_ on instagram

The Aztec eagle is a symbol of strength. In Aztec mythology, the eagle was considered a symbol of the sun, the ultimate source of life and energy.

As a tattoo, the Aztec eagle can represent personal strength, resilience, and the power to overcome challenges. It’s a reminder of the inner strength within us all, echoing the endurance of the Aztec people.

2. A Symbol of Pride

Aztec Eagle arm Tattoo zdallas7 on instagram

The Aztec eagle also represents pride, particularly for people of Mexican descent. The eagle is a prominent figure in the Mexican coat of arms, symbolizing the founding of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. As a tattoo, it can be a powerful expression of cultural pride and heritage. Cesar Chavez, a key figure in the United Farm Workers (UFW) union, stated that the Aztec eagle symbol gives pride. When people see it, they know it means dignity.

“The Aztec eagle is an historic symbol for the people of Mexico. The UFW incorporated the Aztec eagle into its design to show the connection the union had to migrant workers of Mexican-American descent.” – Reddit User

A post from a facebook page named “Aztecs” discusses a Toltec carving representing an Aztec eagle, found in Veracruz, dating from the 10th–13th century.

3. A Symbol of Hope

Aztec Eagle back of the head Tattoo: danny_tattoos on instagram

In the context of the UFW, the Aztec eagle, or the “Huelga bird,” is a symbol of hope. The white circle in the UFW flag, which surrounds the black eagle, signifies hope and aspirations. As a tattoo, the Aztec eagle can symbolize optimism, dreams, and the hope for a better future. It’s a testament to the enduring spirit of hope that has carried the Aztec people through centuries of change.

“A symbol is an important thing. That is why we chose the Aztec Eagle, it shows pride …when people see it they know it means dignity.”

Cesar Chavez on the design of the flag for the United Farm Workers.

4. A Symbol of Sacrifice

Aztec Eagle Back Tattoo: juanjrluna on instagram

Finally, the Aztec eagle is a symbol of sacrifice. The red background of the UFW flag, behind the black eagle, stands for the hard work and sacrifice that the union members would have to give. This symbolism can extend to the Aztec eagle tattoo, representing personal sacrifices made for the greater good. It’s a tribute to the sacrifices of the Aztec people, as well as those of anyone who wears this powerful symbol.

“The red background stands for the hard work and sacrifice that the union members would have to give.” – Reddit User

In conclusion, the Aztec eagle tattoo is more than just a striking piece of body art. It’s a symbol steeped in history, carrying meanings of strength, pride, hope, and sacrifice. Whether you’re drawn to its aesthetic appeal or its symbolic significance, the Aztec eagle tattoo is a beautiful way to carry a piece of Aztec history with you.


  1. “Aztec Symbols of Strength and Their Meanings”, Give Me History.
  2. “Mexican Coat of Arms”, Wikipedia.
  3. “Cesar Chavez on the Aztec Eagle”, UFW Official Website.
  4. Reddit User, “Discussion on Aztec Eagle Symbolism”, Reddit.