Orange tattoo meaning ( joy and happiness)

Tattoos in general are a great way to express yourself and your personality. Orange tattoos are no exception to this rule. A person wearing an orange tattoo could be trying to break out of their shell or they could be trying to show that they’re a fun person.

Orange tattoo in the back

Source : Instagram

The color orange is a symbol of joy and happiness. Orange is often used in marketing and branding to evoke feelings of warmth and friendliness.While the fruit is  associated with good luck, fertility, and the sun.

It is a vibrant color that attracts the attention of the surroundings. It’s associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics, and represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, and determination. Orange trees are a symbol of love, but in heraldics orange indicates strength and endurance.


orange arm tattoo

In some cultures, this color was believed to bring good luck while in others it symbolizes endurance. In addition, orange tattoos are often worn by people who have a high degree of creativity and spontaneity which is why they fit well with the characteristics of young people. Some authors say that wearing an orange tattoo can make you more popular, which is why it can be worn by artists.

The color orange is associated with the element of Fire and the planet Sun. Some think that wearing an orange tattoo can make you more attractive which is why this color was very popular during the 90s when tattoos were not yet as well-known as today. Most people who wear an orange tattoo are those who like to be in the spotlight and like to stand out from the crowd.

One of the most important meanings behind orange tattoos is creativity as they can help you become more creative and original. If you want to find a meaning for yourself, it is best that you use your imagination and choose a symbol that best represents you.

orange flower foot tattoo
Orange flower foot tattoo @renelle_tattoo

What type of person wears orange tattoos ?

People who wear orange tattoos are confident and usually have a high degree of creativity.

Since this is a bright color, orange tattoos are usually worn by people who want to look creative and original. For these reasons, most people who wear an orange tattoo are artists or athletes. For example, if you like soccer, it would be great that you wear an orange tattoo of the ball on your arm.

Orange tattoos are often worn by people who love sports and physical activity such as hikers, bikers or soccer players. Most of the time, orange tattoos represent endurance and adding this kind of tattoo to your body can help you achieve a high degree of strength which means that it is suitable for both men and women. In addition, orange tattoos can be worn by people who really like to stand out from the crowd.

For some, orange tattoos represent courage and spontaneity, which is why most of them are children or young adults. In addition, wearing an orange tattoo can make you popular among your peers which is why people who often feel insecure tend to avoid this color.

Orange-blue ying yang koi fish tattoo
Orange-blue ying yang koi fish tattoo @bee.inktattoo

Shades of orange and different meanings

The meaning of your orange tattoo can vary depending on the shade of orange that you choose for your tattoo design.

  • If you choose to get an orange tattoo in the darker shades of orange then it might signify your ability to be strong in the face of adversity or to be courageous.
  • On the other hand, if you choose to get an orange tattoo that is in the lighter shades of orange then it might symbolize your enthusiasm and your desire to create.
  • Vibrant oranges symbolize happiness and creativity. If you have an orange tattoo without any shading then this might signify that you are always happy and optimistic about life.
Shining orange Venus and a compass arm tattoo
Shining orange Venus and a compass arm tattoo @dalli_tattoo

Celebrities with orange tattoos

Orange tattoos are often worn by famous media personalities  such as Sia Furler, Lena Dunham, Ruby Rose. If you consider getting an orange tattoo one day, it would be great if you chose this color for your first tattoo.